Friday, July 18, 2008

a little dizzy.

this is how my head is feeling as i've begun just a preliminary investigation into thoughts about Jesus and justice and what that means for us who are believers. i'm enjoying it, don't get me wrong, but there are lots of opinions and ideas and i just want to...sift, i suppose. but i am searching :).

"what about taking this empty cup and filling it up with a little bit more of innocence?" - jason mraz

that song has been coming to mind a lot when i've thought about the unjust actions being done to these little girls that love146 is seeking to love on. please visit their website at if it stirs your heart and you think it may be something you'd like to get involved in, talk to me. i know Jesus wants me involved and i'd love partners. jared and i bought the resources and want to have a dvd showing at our house this fall...

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