This weekend, I participated in a twitter campaign through We Are All Human, a project started by fans of Bethany Joy Galeotti. We Are All Human is seeking to raise funds for Love146, a non-profit organization that has been close to my heart for a few years now. Love146 fights for "Abolition and Restoration! [They] combat child sex slavery & exploitation with the unexpected and restore survivors with excellence." The statistics regarding human trafficking and child slavery are staggering, but the modern day abolitionists at Love146 are choosing to fight back rather than shake their heads at a crisis that, to many, seems too big to conquer. My heart feels like it's going to leap right out of my chest every time I talk or write about this organization, including last night when I composed 210 tweets until 11:59pm (which would have been at least 212 by midnight if Twitter hadn't said "wow, that's enough" and shut me down!) with the hashtag "WeAreAllHuman" since each tweet with that hashtag would motivate some extremely generous donors to send another ten cents Love146's way. The twitter campaign raised $1870 and the donors decided to "round up" to $2000! The money will specifically benefit the Round Home that Love146 has constructed, a "safehome... designed to facilitate the restoration and holistic health of every child entering its doors." The home, true to its name, is physically round - no rough edges, no dark corners, no hidden isolation. Little girls are given a place to be little girls again.
I'm so glad that I got to be a part of We Are All Human's mission, which, by the way, doesn't stop now! The goal is to raise $10,000 by December 31st through Crowd Rise. As of now, $7,098 has been raised (including the $2000 from last night). I don't need to give a sales pitch, Love146 speaks for itself.
I'm also so glad that I got to be a part of using Twitter for good. I recently read an article by Mark Driscoll about receiving, redeeming and rejecting various aspects of our culture, and while I don't think Twitter is inherently bad or good, I think it was absolutely redeemed for something incredibly beautiful last night.
Christ has purchased us out of slavery - praise Him for the chance to be a part of the great, Triune work of ultimate redemption.
"Good tidings of great joy" indeed!